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Balinese Hindus Gather for Melasti Purification Ceremony

19 Maret 2023, 21:13 WIB
Thousands of Hindus gathered at Kuta Beach in Badung Bali on Sunday morning 19 March to hold a Melasti ceremony. This ceremony is part of the upcoming Nyepi Day, the Balinese Day of Silence that marks the beginning of the Balinese Hindu New Year on 22 March.

Hindus come to the beach or to a holy water source to hold the Melasti ceremony. The Melasti tradition is believed to be a means of purifying oneself and the universe. Hindus come to the beach carrying sacred objects such as the embodiment of gods or Barongs from their respective temples or traditional villages.

Led by a village head or religious leader, Hindus then hold a joint prayer ceremony. The ceremony is a way for participants to purify themselves and seek blessings from the gods.

The Melasti ceremony is an important event in Balinese Hindu society, and is usually held a few days before Nyepi Day. This ceremony is believed to be a way to purify the universe and the human body and soul from dirt. Participants walk along the beach carrying the symbols of the gods known as "Pratima", making offerings and purifying themselves in the sea.

Nyepi Day will be celebrated in 2023 without any restrictions on community activities, after the Indonesian government revoked the pandemic policy.

Bali is known for its vibrant Hindu culture in Indonesia. The Melasti ceremony is just one of the many unique traditions that make Balinese Hindu culture so rich and enchanting.


#Melasti #Nyepi #Bali #aigenerated #GOKompascom #JernihkanHarapan
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